Of and on

I kind of went of the air (except for a tidbit here and there on FB, must be and age thing). Haven’t done much except with toying with some creative ideas, having phone conversations (and I do mean – con-ver-cations) with the oldest and knitting a scarf for the young one. You know how it is, you have an image in your inner creative self and when you try to put it to paper, it is kind of lame. Or worse, just slightly better than The DH’s stick men (he can’t draw for the life of him) and utterly letargia = not very much have been done. Well, I made these IMG_3757fussy cuts, perfect circles, tiny yo-yos, will somehow fit into a tree. Not entirely sure what goes on in my mind all the time ;-O

Last night before going to bed I made one more attempt on the tree and ended up with thisIMG_3784Need a bit more work, especially on the proportions of the trunk, but I think it is one step forward, at least a small one.

Still nursing the second bad respiratory infection in less than 2 months and now son is home sick too. It’s raining and I hope the dogs will remain calm cause I don’t want to go outside. But this fluffy furry thing probably will = gaaaahhhhh.IMG_3782

Simply amazing



For the new project I wanted som more fabrics and after dwindling I placed a new order with eQuilter on Monday after work and paid almost 30USD for aDHL express delivery. And what do you know, after lunch time today I picked it up at the service point. Now that was absolutely worth the price.IMG_3700When I opened the package I just had to giggle cause the yellow one (third from the top) I have a FQ of it, bought in a FQ bundle sale. To my defense I have to say that it looked nothing like what it did online. And the blu one at the bottom is a batik that looks like running water, hope it works out when it’s cut and sewed.

last night I sat up for a bit, working on the third or so sketch and even though I suck at drawing, the idea is moving towards a plan. Yeayyyyy!

-6C, light snow on and of and fast day….I’m hungry ;(

Happiness in various colors



Hurray x 100 – those danged drapes are over and done with and is now awaiting collection. Never ever again, feel free to hit me if I would waver.

So to calm my creative senses I did what Beth suggested, ironed the fabrics collected (so far) for the next project and just to unfold, iron, unfold made my heart sing a bit, cause I had almost forgot what a pleasure they can bring.IMG_3696Now I only have to figure out where to start. Meanwhile time to purchase some more fabrics.

What will it be? For me to know and you to find out LOL. The only thing I can say that it will be yet one more appliqué thing. Surprised? Nahhhhhh.

Heaven scent or not so



IMG_3690When I was 18, one Christmas my dad gave us each a large bottle of Chanel No5 and I loved it to the last drop. The scent was somewhat like a security blanket but after it was finished I never bought a new one which I should have. I should have bought many of them and stashed them away, cause the bottles they sell nowadays is nothing, I mean absolutely nothing like the vintage one. After dreaming of it I did a Google and found a girl selling vintage perfumes and ordered a small bottle = love revisited. I also bought a small bottle of Estee Lauders Cinnabar and swooned one more times.

Well, I use it sparingly and when The DH texted me yesterday from Kastrup (Copenhagen airport) asking if I wanted any perfume from the taxfree, I thought WTH and asked him to buy me a bottle of the modern No5, knowing very well that they had tampered with the formula I was used to. I got the Eau de Perfume and Ha! Tampering is only the beginning, but I’ll bet they call it reformulating. I can’t find the citrusy top note, it’s more like a bit soap, the original Lux soap from the 60th. It’s not bad, not at all, but to call it Chanel No5 I think is a bit of sacrilege. It would have been more honest if they would have called it a new name instead of impersonate the real one.

Wonder what I will ask for the next Friday? Checking out the Kastrup Taxfree online site, there is just modern day scents – buhu. The son though will get some new clothes though. Good for him.



Honestly, I think Arwen is channeling FionaIMG_3678She who shunned obedience training while Fiona was a champ, all of a sudden showed she can do a few tricks. When it’s winter outside (this morning -11,1C) I decided to try to teach Diego  the lay down commando while Arwen was snoring away. But of course her hearing is still (ehe turns 11 in May) very good so when I opened the box of treats she came running. So we did a parallel session while John held A and I did a few moves (heel, sit, lay) with Diego and then changed places and Arwen did it all and stay too. Kind of interesting and after a few rounds and some “find the candy” they where more than exhausted, Diego so much that he hardly moved for the rest of the day. It is true that working with the brain instead of the body uses up more energy, at least for dogs LOL.

Creative block sort of



The holidays are almost over (just 13 day after Christmas = trettondagen) remains and on Thursday it will be back to normal with school and work. We have overcome the worst of grief after Fiona and honestly there is so much more peace in our house. Poor baby, she wasn’t herself for a long time.

Creative wise most of my efforts have gone into making dinner for all every day and some minor hand stitching project just to have something to do cause I still haven’t managed to wrap my min around my new project. images-6I got the idea and a bad sketch, I got a nice collection of fabrics and some fusible but I simply can’t find the drive to start. Yes, I know, that is them danged curtains that is in the way but I need a clear dining room table to be able for measuring and pinning and so far I have put it of cause there are Christmasy stuff on it. Hmm, I might finish Christmas early? I really truly want these things out of mi house for good.

Think tree, leaves, grass and flowers…although I haven’t decided on the size of the project yet, but I can dream on.

Empty rooms


DSCN1710There is a bit of the family puzzle missing. Two weeks have gone and it’s still kind of quiet around here – Diego and Arwen are still low and every now and then Arwen come and sit near me and quietly cry. My poor baby girl – all 10 years of her.IMG_3611 Some might consider it strange, but we don’t mention Fionas name around Arwen in case she start looking for her again. When I leave the house and return home, she has this confused look on her face like she expected me to bring Fiona back home. And how I wish I could. I look at the last pictures of her in my cell every now and then and shed a few tears. I know in my heart that we did the right thing to let her go, but oh how I miss her.

So to take my mind of things, but still not up to much creative work (due some respiratory infections) I decided to clean up my workspace which looked like a small dump with stuff left out from Infinity project and dozens upon dozens of unsorted FQs. I am at heart a true Virgo and love to have stuff in order, but even me have faults ;o So look how nice the work space look now. I wish for a much larger space with proper cabinets and such, but on the other hand I am grateful for what I have.DSC061801 of December and no snow = yay!!

Thank you

All for the lovely comment re. my precious princess has left us. I can this, pet owners a great and caring people ❤

Five days has passed and I hear Fionas claws tripping on the parquet floors, her “miffling” (don’t ask me to explain that LOL) and a slight moaning and groaning when she mustered the stairs. It is very quiet over here, Arwen and Diego isn’t making much noise or demand anything, probably still quite confused.

DSC_0187All have a lovely weekend!


Ode to my princess, or – who owned who



I have started this several times over, but finding the right words isn’t easy. It’s 4 pm over here and pit dark outside (wrote this part yesterday), the same darkness that line my heart and soul cause as of Monday morning my precious Fiona is no longer with us. My Fiffi who have been my beloved companion for almost 14 years have walked over the Rainbow Bridge to be with friends, boyfriend and family. DSCN1466

In the fall of 2001 we decided that the time was right for us to get a dog and we fell in love with the Rhodesian Ridgebacks breed We drove down to the dark parts of Småland the day before Christmas and came home with a chubby girl who puked all over the car on the 300km drive and made our house her palace (she is named after the Princess Fiona in Shrek)Fiona 23 dec-01She never understood why she couldn’t have nibble out of these living chewing toys (the kids) cause she liked the way they squealed LOL, or why we got upset with her for chewing the knobs on the kitchen drawers to splinters while left alone for short while. Fiona janHey, who want to be alone closed in a kitchen without any food? Suit yourselves! Trying to teach her to sleep in her own bed was hopeless so for many years she slept behind me knees under the covers ;o  And at times she found better places to nap:

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IMG_2305As we, Fiona found her soulmate and fell in love with Lukas the magnificent (aka Lucky Luke). Every time I told her that he was on the way or that we was going over to him, she ran to the door and sat there waiting. And I heard from Lukas mom, that it was mutual. 


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I don’t think RR are very cuddly as a breed and they decide how and when (at least Fiona did) so the moments when she wanted to be close was very treasurable. Like when I was allowed to rest my head on her flank or she snuggled up behind me on the couch and laid her head under my chin watching a movie. Precious moments. IMHO RR are smart dog and Fiona very so, she understand more spoken words than any other dog I have met. She was proud, a bit aloof, great guardian (especially when the evil mutt Vicky or the dalmatian Prillan walked by), funny, loyal. So loyal that she nipped The DHs side when he snuck in the backdoor and scared the living lights out of me. She reacted in a blink of the eye to my scream, not even taking the time to see who it was she sank her teeth into LOL. Never try to make a RR to do something it don’t want to do (they are stubborn as hell), it’s totally hopeless unless you ply it with meatballs or dried black pudding 😉

14 years (and a month) is very much for a RR and her breeder told me that Fiona was the only one in her litter that was still alive. Up till like 6 months ago she has been quite well, but then she started to decline. Her growths and bumps got the worst of her and in the end she didn’t want to go on morning walks, food was less and less appetizing (until I found this disgusting smelling stuff in a plastic sausage – that was like doggie dope or something). She got bit annoying toward the end, woke up in the middle of the night to go pit a pat all over the wooden floors tapping her claws. What she wanted I don’t know, she went back to sleep on the couch after a while. Maybe waking us up and was enough? IMG_3534As I told on FB, last Friday she climbed up on the couch, sat very close, put ner nose to mine and stared me in the eyes. I know that is when she told me enough is enough, I want out of here. So two days later I made the call to the vets, (the hardest decision ever) and I took her there Monday morning, all calm and stressless. While the sedative was working I talked about the wonderful life we have had together and whispered to her the names of my darling friends pets and dogs we have known who have gone before her – twice, so she would remember who to look for at the other side of the Rainbow Bridge. I didn’t cry much yesterday, but I do now and frankly, anyone dare to tell me she was “just” a dog, I will punch them in the nose – hard!!DSCN1629

Fiona, Arwen is crying for you (in case you wonder, yes dogs can cry) in the evenings and is looking for what is missing. My heart will heal and my soul remember all the good and great times and I’m pretty sure that Arwen and Diego are saying to me (like John did when I sniveled after Sam moved away from home) but Mama, you have us. And lucky me who does. And hey you, Fiffiliff, I will love your forever and ever.


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On Wednesday I got to pick up my latest splurafabrics from eQuilter at the local DHL service point only 4 days after I placed the order. Nor The Dh or I have never ever experienced such a speedy delivery from the USA. Heck, even within the Swedish borders it isn’t that fast most of the times. But that is because the Postnord sucks! Oh I will not get into that, but can say that it was “bättre förr”.  The great thing about it all, was that customs hadn’t got to it, so no extra taxes and fees this time. Maybe they have their hands full with the current refugee big time inflow?  OK then, what did I get? This:equilterSome are so beautiful it hurts and one is a bit funny (Star Wars funny) that will be sewn into a new pillow for my oldest big SW fan son. All the others (except one) will be used in a new appliqué project, if I ever will be able to wrap my head around it and draw a working sketch. Well, I do suck at drawing but maybe not as bad as The DH who at the best can draw a stick man LOL.

Grey and moist and November blaha, I do hate this time of the year and I hate the daylight saving stuff…But it’s Friday and a lazy weekend is in front of us, tonight our version of tapas and some fine wine. 😀